这个稍后阅读应用增加了功能,使其成为诸如 Pocket、Paper 和 Instapaper 之类应用的可靠替代品。早在 2014 年,我 写了篇关于 wallabag 的文章,它是诸如 Instapaper 和 Pocket 这样的稍后阅读应用的开源替代品。…
What makes Simple DNS Plus "simple" is its user interface and automation features. All options and settings are available directly from the intuitive Windows user interface. It provides wizards for common tasks such as setting up new zones, importing...
Sentora is an open-source web hosting control panel built specifically to work on a variety of Linux distributions. Sentora is licensed under the GPL and is a separately maintained fork of the original ZPanel project.
Welcome to the official ZPanel website. ZPanel is a free and complete web hosting control panel for Microsoft® Windows™ and POSIX (Linux, UNIX and MacOSX) based servers. ZPanel is written in PHP and uses several open-source (or freely available) software...
作为一线城市的深圳,也是经济特区,一向敢为人先,在城市管理方面也非常严格。 深圳作为现代化的城市,高楼林立,城市整洁有序,市民素质高,现在有序放开路边摊,或许是一个指针,就是在表明,城市要以人为本。…
有网友觉得,调休凑出3天假,假期后还要连上6天班,实在太累,还不如放一天假上一天班再休周末两天。 也有网友认为,调休也没那么难以接受,对于一些离家在外的人来说,放假3天意味着可以回家。 济南市气…
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